People have some amount of dental plaque regardless of how much they brush or floss. With appropriate toothbrushes and toothbrushing techniques, you can remove dental plaque.
The surface of the teeth is not renewed, and the bacteria that colonize it are not eliminated spontaneously. Thus, the bacterial populations that can colonize tooth surfaces. These bacterial cells can result in dental plaque or bacterial plaque
You can remove bacterial plaque by proper brushing and interdental hygiene. You can also achieve this through the use of chemicals.
The chemical method interferes with all chemical reactions of bacterial growth and metabolism. In this post, we will discuss how to remove dental plaque with a toothbrush.
What is dental plague?
Dental plaque is a set of microorganisms adhered to each other and the surface of the teeth. This bacterial entity is the result of the colonization and growth of microorganisms.
Dental plaque is a sticky layer that contains millions of bacteria. These bacteria accumulate on your teeth. They increase in number over time. The bacteria in dental plaque can cause cavities, tooth decay, and even gum disease.
Effect of dental plaque
The appearance of dental plaque poses a high risk to oral health. It is a sticky, whitish, or yellowish film from the remains of food left in the mouth. It appears at the gum line and between the teeth and grows little by little if proper measures are not taken.
If you don’t brush or floss enough, dental plaque can harden into tartar. If bacteria, plaque, and tartar build up, your gums can become inflamed and red. This is a sign of a mild gum disease known as gingivitis. If this disease worsens, periodontal disease can develop, leading to tooth loss. Excess plaque and tartar buildup can also cause bad breath.
The bacteria work with the sugars and starches in food to create acids that eat away at the enamel on your teeth. If left a long time, the enamel can wear down to the point of tooth decay. In this way, the dental enamel is weakened. This favors the appearance of caries, gingivitis, periodontitis, and halitosis. Also, over time, that dental plaque hardens into tartar. You need to know how to remove it as soon as possible for all these reasons.
How to avoid the appearance of dental plaque
Avoiding the appearance of dental plaque is essential for proper oral health. The most effective weapon is prevention through proper hygiene. After meals, you need to brush with a toothbrush in good condition and toothpaste recommended by your dentist. It is also advisable to use dental floss to remove any remaining food on the teeth.
You should also use enough water when brushing to keep plaque at bay. It washes away the bacterial cells dislodged by brushing. Saliva is one of the mouth’s natural protectors. It helps neutralize those acids that bacteria generate. Staying well-hydrated is essential to produce an adequate amount of saliva.
Type of toothbrush to use in dental plague
You have to be mindful of the toothbrush you use when having a dental plaque. A small to medium-sized toothbrush head is suitable. The toothbrush must have soft to medium, multi-tufted round-ended nylon bristles. The toothbrush head should be small and reach all parts of the mouth.
How to Remove Dental Plaque with toothbrushing
The best way to achieve this is to use a manual or electric toothbrush with the correct toothbrushing technique. If this is effective, plaque is reduced. Brushing and flossing can keep plaque under control. The formation of dental tartar and dental plaque can be avoided by practicing good oral hygiene.
Toothbrushing is an oral hygiene procedure that aims to disorganize and interfere with the formation of bacterial plaque. It also removes food debris. Tooth brushing aims to remove bacterial plaque from oral cavity surfaces. This is necessary for the prevention of caries and periodontal diseases.
You should brush for at least 2 minutes to obtain an adequate removal of bacterial plaque. Brushing your teeth 2 to 3 times a day is essential to maintain good oral health. The toothbrush or head should be changed every 3 or 4 months, after which the brush loses its firmness and functional capabilities. You need a toothbrush with good bristles, preferably not too hard to remove dental plaque.
However, good toothbrushing techniques must be complemented with dental floss and interdental brushes. Chemical agents are used if the mechanics do not work together to increase effectiveness. These compounds can destroy plaque and break down its structure.
Some chemical agents used to remove dental plaque are chlorhexidine and cetylpyridinium mouthwashes. Some dental hygiene products are specially formulated with tetrasodium pyrophosphate. They control the accumulation of plaque and tartar. Special mouthwashes help prevent tartar buildup by removing calcium and magnesium from saliva.
Manual or Electric Toothbrushes: Which is More Effective in plague removal?
Electric toothbrushes give a deeper clean. They are recommended over manual toothbrushes for dental plaque removal.
Electric toothbrushes use vibrations and automatic circular motions. This increases effectiveness in plaque removal. Manual toothbrushes also remove plaque, just that they are not as effective as electric versions.
You should brush your teeth with fluoride toothpaste at least once a day for three minutes to remove dental plaque. You must also apply sufficient pressure while brushing. Move the toothbrush in an up and down motion instead of only side-to-side motion. Ensure that the brush outlines the gums and the teeth’ contours.
You should also brush your teeth after every meal. For the best protection against plaque buildup and proper brushing, y Change your toothbrush every three months. Replace toothbrushes with worn bristles immediately.
Also, you should clean the area between your teeth with waxed or unwaxed dental floss once a day. This removes plaque trapped between your teeth that brushing cannot remove. After the thread, you should use mouthwash to clean the mouth. This is to remove the bacteria that are responsible for creating bacterial plaque.
In conclusion, the best thing is to remove dental plaque before growing large. You can remove tooth plaque by brushing at least twice daily. The stiffness, number of tufts, and total length of the toothbrush used also affect plaque removal from teeth surfaces. You have to consider toothbrush properties to enhance plaque removal from the teeth.