Situations can get ambiguous at times. Imagine visiting a friend out of town, only to find yourself getting jammed in a nearby roadhouse due to bad weather or a broken car. Adding to your frustration is the lack of toiletry supplies, specifically toothpaste and toothbrush. Yes, many housing lodges do not cover these items in your accommodation cost, and the reason varies. Some consider them aspirational, while others find them too expensive to provide in each room.
So, the next time you leave the neighborhood, whether to visit someone or attend an errand, do yourself a favor to make your travel less unpleasant in case things go sideways. Find out what you need in your oral first aid kit and why!
- Toothbrush
Well, you never know when you’ll feel the urge to stay in a hotel or a friend’s house, so always be a girl scout. Pack one toothbrush, especially when staying a day or night in a rooming house because it is usually not included in complimentary offers.
Even if they do provide a toothbrush for the guests, wouldn’t it be quite deterring to use the product since it may be inapt for your teeth health? Particularly if you suffer from sensitivity, nothing replaces packing your own.
- Toothpaste
Another must-have toiletry item, toothpaste goes hand in hand with your specialized toothbrush. A product containing fluoride is highly recommended thanks to its ability to slacken acid bacteria production, strengthen developing enamel, and protect teeth against demineralization. It also helps prevent cavities in children.
Foods stuck in the mouth can cause sudden toothache, and you know it’s no fun. While it is tempting to use a pointed or sharp object to remove them, you may only be causing further discomfort. Neither put aspirin on the sore gum tissues or tooth. Use dental floss instead to get rid of trapped food particles and bacteria. Petty it may look, but good flossing helps prevent oral problems, including halitosis and plaque growth.
For cases of tooth pain, mouthwash does the trick too. Products with desensitizing ingredients can quickly relieve the ache. But don’t worry if what you have in the dental kit cabinet is a standard mouthwash as it clears off extra particles that cause your mouth to feel irritated. Otherwise, invest in a fluoride mouthwash to ease oral pain while fighting tooth decay and toughening your pearly whites in the process.
- Dental Mirror
A dental mirror is not just your plain mirror. There’s a good reason why dentists use it. For instance, it allows you to get a better view of your mouth’s dim corners and determine the type of dental injury you’re coping with. Many dental mirrors have an attached light, though you can also buy a separate one.
- Sugar-Free Gum
You surely had missed out on brushing your teeth during rare occasions. Chewing a piece of sugar-free gum can save your teeth and gums from dry mouth, dental erosion, and bad breath as a result of reduced saliva flow and acid attack. Only take one soon after ingesting meals and fizzy drinks. However, don’t replace brushing and flossing.
For Dental Emergency
First things first, what is considered a dental emergency?
Professionals describe it as any form of trauma to the mouth caused by broken or dislocated teeth or lesions and bleeding of gums, whether due to forceful or unintentional biting of hard food, mouth injury, or related incidents. That’s why dental emergency kits are a must-have item in your backpack to save you from dealing with serious complications.
Here’s what your emergency dental supplies should include:
- Sealable Plastic Bag
There are a few benefits to bringing a sealable plastic bag with you. First, it keeps your dental kits in one place to avoid rummaging once needed. If you find yourself dealing with a broken tooth, you can put it in a plastic bag along with a damp paper towel for possible reattachment.
- Tweezer
The tweezer is designed for those difficult to reach areas. If you possess the knowledge, you can locate filling material or small crown using this tool, then secure it in the proper location.
- Cotton Balls
Cotton balls are popular household items commonly used for removing nail polish and makeup. But as it turns out, you can also use these feathery little bundles as a natural remedy for toothache. Just add some drops of clove oil to the cotton ball and place it in your dental cavity.
- Cotton Swabs
If your lost crown causes pain, use a cotton swab to apply a few olive oils to the damaged area. Perhaps your brace wire pokes out or breaks, which gives you a sense of discomfort. A piece of cotton swab can help reposition the wire.
- Dental Wax
Have broken or chipped teeth? Dental wax is another safe treatment made from carnauba, paraffin, or beeswax that prevents possible infections or irritation in the mouth. It primarily protects sensitive areas, including lips and gums. The wax is unnoticeable and translucent available in a variety of flavors such as bubble gum and cherry.
- Ice Pack
If your tooth injury is relatively minor, let’s say swelling or toothache, apply an instant ice pack to your face’s side where the pain persists. Do it for about 20 minutes. Never apply heat or chew on ice! Reapply for another 20 minutes if you still feel swelling or discomfort.
- Pain Relievers
Pain relievers provide a temporary solution for mild to chronic dental pain caused by infections. There are numerous over-the-counter remedies you can conveniently buy without a prescription. Ibuprofen, Aspirin, and Acetaminophen are the way to go. You should feel better after taking two to three doses. Alternatively, use OTC ointments like drops or gels to relieve oral pain.
For emergency situations like these, keep in mind that the oral kit doesn’t intend to substitute professional treatment. You can rely on it to treat minor injuries like toothache, bitten tongue or lip, knocked out or cracked tooth, and canker sores. It also becomes handy for relieving and keeping major dental problems under control until you’re able to visit a dentist.