Whether you like it or not, everyone ages! When it comes to oral health, aging can affect your teeth in many ways. It’s wise to be proactive and talk to your dentist about your oral health concerns. 


Genetics, environmental factors, and your lifestyle also play a role in your oral health. As you age, you need to focus more on your oral hygiene. Not taken seriously, there is a chance of developing gum diseases and eventually tooth loss. 


The information here is for discussion only. Talk to your dentist and healthcare provider if you have questions or concerns about your oral health. 


Let’s discuss more about it. 

How Aging Can Affect Your Oral Health

Gum disease is common in adults above the age of 65. About 2 in 3 adults are facing gum disease. Apart from this, 1 in every 5 adults above the age of 65 have complete tooth loss. Keeping in view these statistics by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, it’s essential that you take your oral health seriously. 


Smoking, eating sugary diet, and unhealthy food can lead to oral health problems. When you are young, your body fights the infections and support you fully, but as you age, it’s a different story! 


It’s time to be proactive and apart from retirement start thinking about your health especially when you will be older! The goal is to stay healthy and independent for a long time. 


Oral diseases can affect your life. When you have cavities or serious gum diseases, it would be painful plus all these oral health issues affect your self esteem. 

What’s The Solution? 

You can’t fight old age, but you can slow it down. Aging is a natural phenomenon and everyone has to go through it. Apparently, you can look young and from the inside you can feel young, but no one can’t deny the fact that clock is tiking! There is limited time that you would be spending on this planet, why not make the most of it! So, start by brushing and flossing your teeth twice a day. 


The dentist may also advice you to use a mouth wash especially if there is a chance of gum disease! Or if you already have gum disease. Instead of making your life miserable, get serious about oral hygiene. 


It’s true that genes play a role, but your dentist can guide you in the right direction. Instead of looking for information online, talk to your dentist if you have concerns about your oral health. 


Keep an eye on your gums as you age. Gingivitis can take the form of periodontitis. So, it’s best to catch it in the early stages and keep your hygiene game in check! 

Tips to Keep In Mind for Oral Health And Aging 

People don’t talk about aging much! Media is full of young people and you hardly see anyone with a bad smile or bad oral health. However, as you now know, oral diseases are common in the aging individuals. And matter of fact everyone ages! So, it’s time to get serious and think about your oral health!


  • Brush your teeth twice a day and floss it too. It’s the basics! However, some people may not be aware of the basics too. It’s okay to unlearn and relearn the right habits. If you are unsure of the correct brushing techniques, it’s best to ask your dentist to guide you. 
  • Consider professional teeth cleaning. Scaling and root planning can help in removing the stubborn plaque and tartar from the gum line. If you haven’t considered it, talk to your dentist. However, if you need deep cleaning, the dentist may recommend you to get it done twice a year! 
  • Treat the gum disease in the early stages. First, try not to be in a state where gums are swollen, irritated, or affected. It could be gingivitis, so watch out for it. Talk to your dentist if you have bleeding gums. 
  • Replace your toothbrush every three months. You can also look into the bamboo toothbrush. The dentist may advise you electric toothbrush. Nowadays there are also smart toothbrushes! The goal is to keep your oral health in check and if it’s bad then to make it better. 
  • Not taking care of your oral health means inviting germs, bacteria, and opening a path for the gum diseases. If you can’t take time out for yourself in 24 hours then it would be serious in the long run! So, get up and make sure you are doing the best for yourself. 
  • If you notice bad breath, there could be an underlying oral health issue. Again, it’s best to talk to your dentist about bad breath and let your dentist know about your concerns. What works for one person may not be suitable for the other, which is why it’s best to discuss your case with the dentist. 
  • It’s also wise to get an overall health check up to be on the safe side. If you have an underlying health concern, let your dentist know about it. 


Remember you are responsible for your oral hygiene. The dentist, doctors, and every other person can merely guide you, treat you to some extent, and help you in some ways, but eventually it’s upon you to keep your mouth clean. At the end of the day, it’s you who needs to have a perfect oral health! 

Wrapping It Up 

You may wonder why people don’t talk about aging and the relevant oral health issues that come with it! It’s important that you are doing your best when it comes to maintaining oral hygiene. Make a treatment plan with the dentist you trust. It’s possible that you may need some treatments and thus, it would be best to discuss your options with a professional. Keep an eye on your gum health and talk to your dentist if your gums are swollen and irritated. If you have ginigivitis, get more serious about your oral hygiene.