Your smile exudes your every confidence. So, you must carry this smile to bring about your appearance. But it’s not just the smile that needs to be safe, because your oral health may also affect the health of your heart.
Do you know that poor oral hygiene can lead to a gum infection that may affect your heart’s health? Infected gums can be red, sensitive, and may bleed during brushing and/or flossing. This is when the bacteria may further proceed in your heart’s inner lining.
If bacteria enter the bloodstream, they could travel to other parts of your body, which includes your heart. This can prevent your heart’s valves from working properly. And when your valves aren’t working efficiently, you’re at a heightened risk of a heart attack.
In this article, learn why a good oral hygiene regimen is important so you can reduce the risk of having heart infections.
The connection between oral hygiene and heart health
In the previous years, having poor oral hygiene has been related to the cause of heart diseases. Oral health may be particularly important if you have artificial heart valves. Tooth loss patterns are connected to coronary artery disease.
Studies suggest that poor oral hygiene may compromise your heart due to bacterial infection. Other studies have shown that people with poor oral hygiene may be at risk. This will be due to other known risk factors such as cigarette smoking and diabetes.
For example, the bacteria that cause gum disease and tooth decay can endanger your heart. This is when bacteria from the mouth travel through the bloodstream. These bacteria can go through the bloodstream and travel to other areas of your body.
And if this happens, it increases the risk of infection through the heart valves. In particular, the bacteria might attach to damaged areas in your heart. This will contribute to certain infections that damage your heart tissue or valves.
Now, you may think that if you practice good oral hygiene, you might lower your risk of contracting heart disease. However, experts suggest that it is not an assurance. Whether you are taking care of your teeth, but have an unhealthy diet, you are still at risk. published a review by the American Heart Association about a study. This review suggests that there is no direct evidence that improving oral hygiene prevents heart disease. In addition to that, some studies may have suggested a link between oral health and cardiovascular disease (
Potential effects caused by poor dental hygiene
Poor dental hygiene may affect your oral health. And these problems do not only affect your dental health but also your overall health in the future. These include:
Tooth decay and tooth loss
If you have a rotten or decayed tooth, it will infect other healthy teeth. This may become painful, causing you to lose your teeth. As the teeth are removed, this may be causing severe pain and infection.
Gum diseases
This is one of the many consequences of having poor oral hygiene. When plaque starts to build upon your gums, infections will also occur. That affects the bone that holds the teeth in place. In severe cases, the severe form of gum disease is known as periodontal disease. What this means is that bone deterioration will impact your teeth, leading to tooth loss.
Bad breath
Having bad breath is also a sign of poor oral hygiene. This occurs when the bacteria in between your teeth emit chemicals causing a bad smell. That is why good dental health requires you to regularly brush your teeth to avoid bad breath.
How do dental problems cause heart infections?
In most cases, not all dental problems may cause heart infections. One common disease which is associated with heart problems is periodontitis. This is when your mouth has bacteria, and these will enter the bloodstream and transfer to the heart.
Periodontal disease is an infection of the gums. If left untreated, it can cause the gums to pull away from the teeth and result in gum tissue loss. This makes it easier for bacteria to grow around the teeth and gums.
Periodontal disease destroys the soft tissue and bone that support your teeth. Bacteria may cause inflammation and infection to the gums. If the bacteria are not removed through daily brushing and flossing, it may lead to infection. That is why periodontitis is a serious infection to many adults if left unchecked. And eventually, this can cause loose teeth and bad breath in your mouth.
The bacteria present in the mouth multiply and cause inflammation of the gums. This will also lead to losing one’s teeth. Other studies suggest that people who lose their teeth may be prone to heart diseases. But, experts do also say that there was no direct link between tooth loss to high-risk heart diseases.
Although it has still not been established, there may have been some link between gum disease and heart disease. But, know that you need to continue practicing good oral hygiene.
Keeping your heart safe from dental infections
Your dental health is a reflection of your overall health. If you may have any dental issues, pay a visit to your dentist to know the potential problems.
Of course, do follow a healthy diet and avoid unnecessary smoking habits. These are all you need to help yourself from having heart disease. Start by being conscious about your oral health today.
So, you will know how to protect yourself from any link between dental disease and heart diseases.
If you’re at high risk of heart disease, it is advised that you speak to a medical professional for better help. If you have periodontal disease, ask about treatment options to your immediate physician.
Be sure to take good care of your teeth and gums. At ES Toothbrush, we provide quality toothbrushes that you can use regularly. We ensure that our toothbrushes and oral healthcare products are tailored to your preference.