Do you own Bamboo toothbrushes? If yes, you definitely will agree that they are just as effective as their plastic counterpart. In fact, they even offer more benefits. Research has shown that bamboo toothbrush has anti-bacterial and fungi properties. 

Just like plastic and electric toothbrushes, bamboo toothbrushes don’t last forever. This means that everything from their bristles to their handle is going to worn out and become ineffective at removing plaque after several months of use. And even if they aren’t too worn-out, you should still change them. Dentists have pointed out that toothbrushes should be replaced after every three months, regardless of the condition they are.

Instead of throwing your old bamboo toothbrush into the trash, you should consider recycling or reusing them. This article shed light on some creative ways to use your old toothbrush. 

Best ways to recycle your old bamboo toothbrush 

Add your old bamboo toothbrush to your compost pit 

Since bamboo toothbrushes are biodegradable, you can add them to your compost pit at home. It takes around 3 to 4 months for a bamboo toothbrush to decay completely. 

If you don’t have a compost pit at home, you can choose to dispose of them at a commercial composter in your area. 

Whether you choose to dispose of your bamboo toothbrush in your personal compost pit or a commercial composter, you should remove the nylon bristles before disposing of it. Only the bamboo handle should be dumped in your compost pit. 

Use your old bamboo toothbrush as firewood 

If you live in a cold region or a commercial composter is very far from where you live, you should consider adding your old toothbrush to your firewood Stack. 

On cold nights, you can dispose of them in your furnace or fireplace. Don’t expect the bamboo toothbrush to be as effective as firewood. 

Make sure you remove the bristles before throwing them into the fire.  

Your old bamboo toothbrush is the perfect pet brush 

If you don’t want to compost or burn your bamboo toothbrush, you should consider using it for other purposes. 

If you have pets at home, you should your bamboo toothbrush as a pet brush. Of course, there are different types of pet brushes on the market, but if you are looking for something small and portable, your bamboo toothbrush may be perfect for the job. Keep in mind that it isn’t going to be as effective as a real pet brush.  

Art and craft  

Were you into arts and crafts at some point in your life? If yes, you should consider using your going back to your old passion when you have the time. 

You can use your bamboo toothbrush for your art and craft projects. You can use them to make photo frames, stars, and flowers by using glue to join them together. 

And if you aren’t into crafts and art, your kids may be interested in it. They can reuse your brush for personal or school art projects. 

Use your old bamboo toothbrush as a marker in your garden 

Do you sometimes find it difficult to identify the plants in your garden? Your bamboo toothbrush can help you solve this problem. After removing the bristles, you can use the handle of your toothbrush as a plant marker. Use a brush or pen to write the names of the plants in your garden on the handle of the toothbrush. 

Note that you can also use your toothbrush handle to provide support for small plants and help them grow straight.

The perfect stain remover 

Your old toothbrush can also be used to remove stains from your clothes without any hassle. All you have to do is to follow these steps. 

  • Prepare a solution of soap and water 
  • Insert your old toothbrush into it 
  • Use the toothbrush to stroke the stained area
  • Repeat until the stains are out 

Use your old toothbrush to clean your shoes 

Besides removing stains from your shirt, your old toothbrush can help clean your shoes if you can’t get your hands on a brush. Since the bristles are small, they will be able to clean hard-to-reach areas with ease. 

Final note 

A Bamboo toothbrush is a way better option than a plastic toothbrush because it is degradable. So you can dispose of it with confidence, knowing that you aren’t harming the environment. And if you don’t want to compost or use it as firewood, you can use them as a pet brush, for arts and crafts projects, and for cleaning.