How to brush with bamboo toothbrush?

How to brush with bamboo toothbrush?

Definitely, brushing your teeth twice a day is one of the most effective strategies to maintain dental hygiene. However, do you know that the sort of toothbrush is also of great importance? Nowadays, consumers tend to seek more sustainable and environmentally friendly...
When & How to Properly Use Dental Floss

When & How to Properly Use Dental Floss

Maintaining good oral hygiene is crucial to avoiding dental issues and keeping your smile looking great. As much as brushing is an essential component of any dental care regimen, flossing should also be a daily activity. You only clean three of the five surfaces of...
Thumb Sucking: Effects Thumb Sucking has on Teeth

Thumb Sucking: Effects Thumb Sucking has on Teeth

Thumb sucking is a common habit in infants and young children, usually starting shortly after birth. Some people may think that this behavior seems harmless and provides comfort and safety for infants and young children. However, it is important to note that prolonged...